Jake Meador

is a writer, speaker, and editor from Lincoln, Nebraska

Jake Meador

is a writer, speaker, and editor from Lincoln, Nebraska

What Are Christians For?: Life Together at the End of the World

by Jake Meador

Like a good physician, Meador offers penetrating yet accessible diagnoses and remedies for our contemporary milieu. Identifying the breakdown of our perception of the natural order in relation to ourselves, creation, and our neighbor, Meador draws from the broad Christian tradition (and heavy doses of Herman Bavinck) to offer concrete responses. This book thus challenges us, because Christian discipleship involves radical self-giving and obedience, but it is also an invitation for, as Meador reminds us, we are never more natural than when we love.

N. Gray Sutanto assistant professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington DC

Meador News

A weekly recap on news and events about liberalism and common life.